Friday, October 14, 2011

Perkongsian Ilmu 2 :) Refleksi ...

Assalamualaikum dan salam bloggers :)

This is a continuous post from the last one, last time I suggest certain ways to write a better lesson objective and today I would like to share how I write my lesson summary (refleksi). Used to be, all of us tend to write in 1 @ 2 sentences, right such as "objektif tercapai", "aktiviti berjalan dengan lancar"  and most commonly "aktiviti akan diulang pada masa hadapan".

On our last LDP, this type of summary is frown upon since it doesn't show a specific outcome of the lesson activity for the day. Whoa, now everything needed to be specified :P So, they proposed ways on how to write summary more specifically.

Main essence of a specific lesson summary

  • Summary of the whole learning activity --> meaning that is it applicable? are all the activities can be done by the students? 
  • Students reaction --> does the students enjoy the activities? does the the students show interest?
  • Teacher reaction --> do you as a teacher feel satisfied on your lesson today?
  • The objective --> does your students achieve the objective? if not, why? how to overcome the problem
In my lesson plan, I also include a simple checklist to aid me in writing a specific summary. Usually, we tend to write this type of checklist :

Student's Name :
Class :
Date :

Skill Item
No Respond

Exchange greetings.

Appropriate body gestures and Skill

Social situations

Usage of the telephone

Then, below the charts you tend to scribble your own comment about the above checklist. The above checklist is more towards an individualized achievement. There is nothing wrong with it, but truthfully, writing each of our students this type of checklist can be a bit challenging, beside you need more paper and more ink. LOL

My way of writing my Students Achievement Skills is like this. 1st, I narrow down the skill needed such as 1.1.1 Greetings, you can narrow down to what type of greeting needed for the students to master (e.g: good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night).. It is best, if you teach at least 5 items per lesson to lessen the your work stress and attainable for the students :P. Lets go back to the objective, let say today we targeted the students to recognise greeting. I will write down : All of the pupils will able to recognise at least 3 out 4 pictures pertaining to greetings which are good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night.
So the checklist will be :

Skills / Learning Standard :
Date :
Student's Achievement Checklist
Checklist Items
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
Good Night

Checklist Indicator
No response

Much simpler :) And you only needed half of the paper to write down this checklist. So how you can apply it to your lesson? By the end of each lesson, I suggest that we take sometime to write down this checklist in our summary section, so that there is a valid evidence on your student's achievement. You only have to tick the appropriate indicator whether the students already mastered, pending (meaning needed help) or no response at all the items. On the remarks column, you can either write down the number of mastered item and determine whether the students achieve the objective or not.

Anyway, this is only a suggestion :) Whether which checklist you prefer there is nothing wrong about it. All I intend to do is making our job more easier and less writing :P Just that, the advantage of my version of checklist, you can easily identify the weaker students and which items that the students still find it hard to master. And, most of all, I can easily explain to others in how the progress of my students :)

So happy trying :) and good luck

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Perkongsian Ilmu :) How to write proper lesson objective

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Bloggers :)

How u guys doing? I hope everyone is doing great, so am I :) Today I just want to share with all of u how I write my lesson objective. This is only sharing meaning that I am not forcing u to follow exactly how I write nor that implying my way of writing lesson objective is the best. Is that just, I realize that most of my colleagues tend to write their lesson objective in very general way. Meaning that, terlampau umum la in Malay :)

This will cause problems especially to the teacher themselves when their lesson plans is being checked by KPM or JPN. Because, our lesson objective determine the whole plan, the activities, the aides that needed in lesson as well as the whole summary of the lesson (refleksi). So, it is important for us to really focus on writing the lesson objective making it very specific.

For example, 
Matapelajaran : Asas 3M (Bahasa Melayu)
Tajuk : 3.0 Kemahiran Membaca
Standard Pembelajaran (or subkemahiran) : 3.1.1 Membunyikan suku kata KV
How most of u write down the objective?
Most --> Objektif / Hasil Pembelajaran  : Murid dapat membunyikan suku kata.
Mine --> Objektif / Hasil Pembelajaran : Semua murid dapat membunyikan suku kata KV yang bermula dengan konsonan B
Not to say the 1st one is wrong, but if u compared both of the objectives, which one is more specific? Which one is more attainable? 
You can also modify your objective by targeting how many of your students that can achieve the above objective or how many items the student needed to identify and so on..The possibilities are endless.Just make sure that the objective is attainable and suitable according to your students abilities. 

This may seem easier for subjects such as Languages and Mathematics. What about subjects that have no clear indicators such as Art. How to make a countable objective (betul ka ayat tu?) meaning that how to count the percentage of students achievement of a certain skill. It is a bit tricky, you can try by narrowing the size of the art, complexity of the art (jangan buat seni yang susah2) or even numbers of colours used in the painting, materials for collage and types of art supplies in making an art.
The main point here is that, considered the indicators in how u can measure the rate of your student achievement. So good luck and better objective, meaning better outcome :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

1st Update in October :)

Assalamualaikum and Happy October everyone :)

October is obviously is my favourite month of the year 'cause it's my birthday month LOL...anyway, been searching at Internet in fun ways in learning...

Today I am gonna share on how to teach alphabets to young children and at the same time incorporating fine skill motor into the activities..I called this "alphabets doughnuts"...I think that sum it all up.. I know this might not be an original idea, but still rolling dough is one of the best idea of teaching young children in learning shapes.

I came up with this activity for our school Language Week activities and for low functioning students who still not able to master in writing using pencil. What better way to teach  on shapes than rolling and shaping dough. I choose doughnut because it is easier to prepare and less materials meaning less costs :P

First, the recipe for the doughnut
1. 1kg of plain flour
2. 11g of yeast
3. 1 egg
4. 100g of butter (or you can substitute it with oil)
5. A teaspoon of baking powder (so it the dough will puff)
6. A teaspoon of salt (fine salt is preferable because it dissolve easily)
7. Water as needed
** I don't put sugar at all because at the end of the activities, I will sprinkle with icing sugar on top of their doughnut. And too much sugar is not a smart move for children especially for hyperactive children.

Methods :
1. Mixed all of the ingredients above, you can either mix it with a mixer or manually by hand. If your children is well behaved, this first part can be done by them but in my case, I have prepared it earlier to ease the latter activity, which is shaping the dough into alphabets. Mixed all together until it the mixture is able to be mold and not sticking on the bowl.
2. Left it to rest for about half and hour or so...The mixture will expand about half of the original size, my recipe can be used for more than 12 pupils at a time. Each pupils will get at least a handful of dough mixture.
3. Divide the mixture into small batches, in my case my palm size (any adult palm size) and distribute each to the children.
4. I then handed a block of letters for each of the children. Using a 3D blocks are better because the children can actually estimate and see how they should roll and shaped their dough to emulate the letter block. It is best to let the children molded the dough on a plastic covered table (for hygiene purpose), sprinkle a bit (just a tiny little bit ya) flour to make sure the dough does not stick onto the hand,a beaten egg for glue.
**precaution : ensure your children have cleaned their nails and hands before handling food!!!
5. Fry in the oil until golden brown.
6. Lastly, sprinkled with icing sugar and time to eat..

My pupils enjoy the activities, especially the last activity which is eating their own alphabets LOL..It is fun, a bit messy but satisfying activity.

A bit of pictures :)

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