Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Teacher's Day

Assalamualaikum and salam bloggers semua :)

Hmm..sudah lama saya tidak mengupdate apa2 di dalam blog ini :( maaflah, skarang ni sibuk dengan aktiviti sekolah dan semestinya keadaan kesihatan agak tidak memberansangkan :(

Anyway, just want to write a simple message
"Happy Teacher's Day"
or maybe we should change it to "Happy Teacher Appreciation Day", which is more appropriate :P

Anyway, this year is my fourth year on becoming a teacher..still much a seedling (LOL I took botany for my 1st degree) in this area..still got a load to learn, lot to experience :)

Bah, lepas ni mo pegi bersukaneka lagi ni :P mo melepas rasa tensen juga kan asyik terperap dalam bilik darjah jak :( jadi have fun (for me) and again HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY everyone

1 comment:

  1. 4 years is along time Jess, kalau pokok, berbuah sudah. Happy Teacher's Day. Enjoy ur sukaneka. hehehe


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