Assalamualaikum dan Salam Bloggers :)
How u guys doing? I hope everyone is doing great, so am I :) Today I just want to share with all of u how I write my lesson objective. This is only sharing meaning that I am not forcing u to follow exactly how I write nor that implying my way of writing lesson objective is the best. Is that just, I realize that most of my colleagues tend to write their lesson objective in very general way. Meaning that, terlampau umum la in Malay :)
This will cause problems especially to the teacher themselves when their lesson plans is being checked by KPM or JPN. Because, our lesson objective determine the whole plan, the activities, the aides that needed in lesson as well as the whole summary of the lesson (refleksi). So, it is important for us to really focus on writing the lesson objective making it very specific.
For example,
Matapelajaran : Asas 3M (Bahasa Melayu)
Tajuk : 3.0 Kemahiran Membaca
Standard Pembelajaran (or subkemahiran) : 3.1.1 Membunyikan suku kata KV
How most of u write down the objective?
Most --> Objektif / Hasil Pembelajaran : Murid dapat membunyikan suku kata.
Mine --> Objektif / Hasil Pembelajaran : Semua murid dapat membunyikan suku kata KV yang bermula dengan konsonan B
Not to say the 1st one is wrong, but if u compared both of the objectives, which one is more specific? Which one is more attainable?
You can also modify your objective by targeting how many of your students that can achieve the above objective or how many items the student needed to identify and so on..The possibilities are endless.Just make sure that the objective is attainable and suitable according to your students abilities.
This may seem easier for subjects such as Languages and Mathematics. What about subjects that have no clear indicators such as Art. How to make a countable objective (betul ka ayat tu?) meaning that how to count the percentage of students achievement of a certain skill. It is a bit tricky, you can try by narrowing the size of the art, complexity of the art (jangan buat seni yang susah2) or even numbers of colours used in the painting, materials for collage and types of art supplies in making an art.
The main point here is that, considered the indicators in how u can measure the rate of your student achievement. So good luck and better objective, meaning better outcome :)
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